Our Lexan polycarbonate prismatic lenses feature a K12 prismatic texture on one side and a proprietary UV-resistant surface treatment on the polished side which protects it from weathering. These lenses are of the highest quality you can buy. They're made using Lexan 903173U, which is backed by a 10-year limited warranty against loss of light transmission and breakage. These prismatic lenses are designed to provide long-lasting light transmission over a wide range of weather conditions and environments, thus making them ideal for all types of vertical glazing and overhead applications such as skylights, covered walkways, and barrel vaults.
The innovative and unbreakable Lexan sheet improves service life while reducing life-cycle material costs, thus transferring the savings to you. At 1800Ceiling.com, we carry a full selection of heavy-duty 0.125-gauge Lexan polycarbonate lenses. Shop our entire selection and save on your order. Free samples are available by request. Please email your request to sales@1800ceiling.com and we will get your sample out to you as soon as possible.